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2020 Solutions' Ultimate Holiday Gift Guide For Cannabis Lovers
Have you shopped for that cannabis-lover on your list yet? Chances are high, you’ve got at least one! For that special stoney someone...
The New Cricket Vape is Hopping Off Shelves at $25.00!
Have you tried the new Cricket? We’re not talking about the ones they started serving at baseball games, we’re talking about a sleek,...
Review: Sour Cookies Rolled Into a Goomba Grape Hemp Wrap
I was looking for something new and different to roll into a joint, and asked Iron St. store manager, Robert for a suggestion. He said I...
Review: Firefly 2 Portable Vaporizer
Is it time to upgrade your consumption method? Dr. Ethan Russo said at Terpestival 2017, that the best way to get cannabinoids into your...
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