Comfortable with CBD? THC is nothing to fear.The days of stigmatizing cannabis users and grouping them in the classic “Cheech and Chong” stereotype are coming to an end, and a lot of...
Avoiding the Risks Associated with VapingIn August of 2019 we started hearing accounts of people experiencing extreme sickness and, unfortunately, even death caused by vaping. At...
Check out these budget vaporizers from X-Vape!Portable vaporizers are a great health conscious option for both cannabis extracts and flower, but sometimes the high price tag on...
3 Major Social Changes We're Witnessing As Pot Becomes More LegalSo far, recreational marijuana has been legalized in 11 states and the District of Columbia. This represents a significant shift in the...
Traveling? Check These Marijuana Laws Before Heading Across State LinesIf you currently live in an area where local authorities have legalized marijuana, you may naturally start to assume that other regions...
Driving and Marijuana Interactions—Why Is It So Complicated?Almost everyone is aware of the dangers of drunk driving. Hundreds, if not thousands, of studies, have examined the cause-and-effect of...