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Legalization of Industrial Hemp in the US
On December 20th, 2018, the 2018 Farm Bill passed, immediately removing hemp from the Controlled Substances Act. Hemp is a non-psychoactive

Podium Diva, Kandy, On Cannabis, Cancer, and Family
Anyone who’s been into our Guide Meridian store has likely met our greeter, Kandy — lovingly known by the 2020 Solutions team as the...

Microdosing Marijuana—What Is It and What Are the Benefits?
Microdosing is when you add very small doses of a psychedelic drug to your weekly routine for enhanced performance. By imbibing in such...

America’s Got Terpenes—Pinene Takes the Stage
Terpenes—these odoriferous molecules give cannabis its distinctive flavors like pine, citrus, and berry—and they’re the new ‘it’ thing...

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